Novobudovy Kyivmiskbudu Magazine

KMB_cover_02_2015The main media of the largest construction company in Ukraine. It’s distributed in the company’s real estate sales centres, as well as at gas stations, in banks, fitness, shopping and business centres.

The magazine contains the complete picture of the company’s projects, interviews with leading experts, general useful information on interiors and interior design, and the history of the most beautiful city on earth – Kyiv.

In 2015, Custom Lab made a full relaunch of the edition and in December it had the print-run of fifty thousand copies. The magazine was presented to a wide audience of homebuyers in a new impressive design – with a high European level of quality of texts, printwork and illustrations.



Customer: PAT KMB
B2C Magazine
205x280 mm
72 pages
50,000 copies
Accomplished works: redesign, recirculator, 100% filling, preparation for printing