Invent Magazine

invent_coverA specialized magazine on tobacco, commissioned by British American Tobacco and executed in an original square format. Along with covering issues pertaining to the tobacco industry, the magazine is dedicated to state-of-the-art, cutting-edge and innovative technologies in automotive industry, mobile communications, photo, video, music, and household appliances.

The editorial section consists of 100% materials of the editorial board’s choice handpicked by experts, and contains no advertisement. InVent   publishes exclusively the worthiest innovations in technology and automotive industry, as well as those which are likely to appear in the Ukrainian market in the foreseeable future.


Customer: British American Tobacco
Specialized magazine В2С
210х210 mm
52 pages
20,000 copies
Distribution: exclusively in tobacco outlets, at specialized events, by subscription among the consumers of tobacco products
Accomplished works: concept development, creating ideology and rubricator, 100% content-filling of editorial section