RedHead Magazine

RedHead is the annual corporate magazine of RedHead Family Corporation. It is aimed at domestic and foreign partners, that’s why it combines content in two languages — Russian and English. This year, the Custom Lab team worked on issue 16 devoted to the results of 2020.

While working on the project, we discovered the great world of RedHead Family Corporation — a family corporation that consists of several business branches, including real estate. However, the most famous brand of the company is the chain of children’s stores Antoshka. The company celebrated its 25th-anniversary last year. Therefore, some of the topics of the current issue cover not only the challenges and achievements of the difficult 2020 but also the internal changes in the company that became more mature and experienced.

This issue is interesting with the case studies thanks to which the company managed to maintain its position and even grow in difficult crisis conditions. In each article, you can feel the main feature that lies at the heart of the whole business of RedHead Family Corporation — deep family values. In addition, this project is special for us in terms of its technical design. To meet the need for a bilingual edition, we’ve made a magazine that has the materials in Russian on one side and in English — on the other.

Customer: RedHead Family Corporation
B2P Magazine
210x250 mm
168 pages
500 copies
Accomplished works: master layout, rubricator, content, design, preparation for printing